Wednesday 10 April 2013

David Bailey: In my head

David Bailey: In my head

I’m an arsehole? These sodding models really do get on my tits. I stand here waiting for their bony flat arses to get on set and stop whining, so I can take a few pictures for a real picky client, for them to say “oh I look so fat, why can’t you get my best angle, how can you call yourself a photographer”. Soon as their out its, “baileys a wonder to work with, a real talented individual”. Moments like this I need jean to keep me sane. I will be the one rocketing their career, the creator of their established ego but will never see a slight show of gratitude. They’re Skinny little bitches, the lot of them.

Now that bullshits over, best grab the tube and pay a visit to some old faces at the Bailey, oh I do miss those piercing eyes staring blankly down the camera, it’s as though they never look at you just through you.

Sat in court one, those poor chaps picked out by the government on a sick conspiracy to cut out organised crime, I’d like to cut their....Alright Dave boy calm down. I mean they’re the Krays; it’s easy to see them as east London’s criminal but as cold blooded murderers seems a little farfetched. Just seems to me their jealous unforgiving enemies have had some sort of police encouraged kick up the arse for personal gain. All seems a bit tactical to me, with all these people thinking I’m an arsehole I bloody hope I’m not framed for murder. The amount of faces the boys have pulled in to this court room put the Queen’s coronation to shame; the court room looks more like the dusky lit smoke pit of Esmeraldas bar. (Laughing in his head) That night with Judy Garland and frank Sinatra was something special. I can’t help sit there and wonder why and where it all went wrong. I know I’m meant to hate em and all but all this “cold blooded murders” and bannered quotes of “most feared and violent men to walk the earth” “satans sons”, I just can’t see it myself. When you know these well mannered polite boys it’s hard to find the fictional characters that have been painted upon them by the delusional posh twats of the press and the hanger ons from south London (those cross eyed inter breeds don’t like us very much).  Damn I wish I could take a few snaps for the scrap book.

Well let’s be frank here the evidence of force fed horse shit placed upon the Kray boys has just got them a 30 year minimum sentence, this fascinates me on how the British justice system works. My heart reaches to the boys mum. Although I do have to admit sitting in a room like that can create a paranoid parallel, how I could be questioning whether I have sinned has scared me. Bumping into jean is nice though, wow she looks beautiful today I feel as though I’m developing a little love affair with this beautiful lady. This lady believes too much bullshit though, the fucking girl can be a real pain in the arse she won’t shut up about the Krays and how they deserved that sentence, she just draws a few too many short straws “they should rot in hell” she says, what a cheap woman what does she know.

This has been one hell of a day, I need to unwind go for a walk take a few social shots on the street, that will make me feel better, give me a peace of mind and relax a little find some inspiration from a beautiful city...

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